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An interview with #teamnothingnaughty Athlete Ambassador Blake Marshall

An interview with #teamnothingnaughty Athlete Ambassador Blake Marshall

Tell us a little about yourself..
My name is Blake Marshall, I’m 25 years young and I am a Professional Skier. I grew up in Queenstown, New Zealand and currently base myself out of Queenstown during the New Zealand winters and Switzerland during the northern hemisphere winters.

1. When and how did you get into freeskiing? And tell us a bit about what freeskiing is?
I first got into freeskiing when I was 13 after transitioning from ski racing. Freeskiing is a being able to showcase your creative style and talent through skiing. A couple of the main disciplines are, Freestyle and Freeride skiing. I first began with freestyle skiing until I found my love for Freeride skiing.

2.  What does your current lifestyle look like in terms of life as a professional athlete?
So basically I don't have a summer (my last summer was 12 years ago). I go from winter in New Zealand to winter in Europe. I am lucky to have a couple of months either side of the winters to be able to surf and enjoy some sun. I work as a Ski Coach at The Remarkables during the NZ winter, and when I go overseas I ski full time competing all over the world.

3. What are some of your current goals? And any other big goals for the future?
One of my main goals at the moment is to become Freeride World Champion. I finished 6th overall on my first season on the world tour. This has given me huge confidence in myself going into the next season. I also am trying to stay fit and healthy, this is very important to me as I want to reduce the chance of me getting injured as much as I can.

4.  What is your favorite inspirational quote or saying?
“None but ourselves can free our minds” - Bob Marley

5.  What motivates you to do what you do /train as hard as you do? Even in the toughest of times what motivates you to keep going?
I try to draw on past experiences of when I had a really good feeling from doing a good run or just having fun in the mountains with friends. I find this really motivates me to train hard so that my body will allow me to do the things I love without getting hurt as badly.

6.  Who inspires you and why?
Kiwi athletes no matter the discipline, are always a huge inspiration to me. Coming from a small country with not as many resources as others, we really do excel.

7. Tell us a bit about your nutritional philosophy as a plant-based eater? How did you get into plant-based eating, do you feel this has impacted your physical performance, and if so, how?
I got into a plant-based through my girlfriend who opened my mind to whole new way of thinking. I never thought about what I was eating growing up, as it was just normal to eat meat with almost every meal. The more research I do the more I become more invested into the diet. The biggest change I felt was the feeling after a meal. I used to get this feeling of heaviness in my stomach, after changing to a plant based diet I didn't get this anymore. This definitely has a positive effect on my physical performance.

8. What are your favourite Nothing Naughty products and what do you use them for?
I have to say my favourite Nothing Naughty product is the Plant Based Protein Bar. It is such a perfect snack and they taste delicious. I am also a huge fan of the Same Same meat alternative product, it is such a good source of protein and also tastes great.

9.  If you could invent a new Nothing Naughty product what would it be? 
I love Peanut butter, so my product would be a Peanut Butter flavoured Protein bar!

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